Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nobody Said It Was Easy

"Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to partNobody said it was easyNo one ever said it would be this hard"
After raising Neptune, I was set on the mind frame that raising and saying goodbye to my second puppy would be less difficult since I would already be familiar with the program. It has proven that I was incorrect in that assumption.
Throughout my involvement with puppy raising, I have met so many wonderful people, been touched by amazing dogs, and contributed two fantastic puppies to a program helping people gain freedom and independence. It still seems very surreal that Archie was just cuddling with me the other day, just made me laugh at her silly little quirks and just came to me as a new little bundle of joy. Little things in life add up that make you think twice about how important a dog was in your life. In reorganizing my basement today, I found myself standing in front of Archie's crate reflecting upon how I am so used to associating something as insignificant as a dog cage with a dog, such as Archie. I stare at the bedding, water bucket and toys within that crate and remember that for the past year it has been Archie's go-to spot. Strange to think she is now adjusting to a new place, although I am sure she is settling in better than myself. The other night I felt uncertain when I realized there was no Archie to take out for potty time before bed. Once I got to my bedroom, it really hit hard. It is very easy to avoid something in your mind when you keep busy during daylight hours. It is not so easy, however, when you lay in bed at night trying to fall asleep. Thoughts seem unavoidable at that point, especially when one of the dog beds is empty.
Archie is one special girl. It is essentially impossible not to smile when you look at her. The moment you lock eyes she gets the stereotypical "Lab Wiggle Butt" with the helicopter tail and all. Just thinking of how awesome she is to me, I know she will mean that much more to her future miracle match.
Wiggle butt coming at you^


Monday, February 25, 2013

Starting to Hit

The countdown is on as I am left with only one more week until Archie leaves me to continue testing and training for further Seeing Eye Dog training. This is when it really gets tough, but focusing on making fun memories has certainly helped. In the past two weeks, Archie and I have gone on some pretty amazing adventures.
Hike at Valley Forge Park

Last outing with puppy raising club; Bowling!
A trip to one famous bakery...

Carlo's Bakery!

It certainly is challenging when you look at a dog you've raised since puppy hood with a countdown of the time left in the back of your mind. It'll pay off eventually as I am anxious to see what Archie's future brings.

“Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else.” 
― Mitch AlbomThe Five People You Meet in Heaven

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Learn To Appreciate

Sitting here in bed tonight, I think about how comforting it is so have Archie by my side when I close my eyes for bed. It simply helps me to end the night with a smile, no matter the pains, smiles or experiences that life put me through that day. As I gather photos and begin to prep for Archie's return to The Seeing Eye, I am struck with the painful reminders of this same process I experienced with Neptune over a year prior. Raising these dogs in the program has taught me so much, and if I could advise fellow dog lovers from what I have taken from the program I would stress the need to appreciate. Appreciate what the day may bring with your dog, appreciate the silly thing the dog does to make you smile, appreciate the dog's company when you close your eye's to conlcude the day. Life brings unexpected turns; you can never predict when your best canine friend leaves your side...learn to appreciate.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Find Your Passion, Make It Successful

Last year in English class, we were asked to come up with a six worded phrase that was relative to a way in which we like to "live our life". Here's mine...
"Find Your Passion, Make It Successful"
I wish more teens worked towards finding that "niche" that lights their fire everyday. Without the hard work and time I have put forth in working towards my career path, I am not sure sure what I would do with all my spare energy! I've been exploring all areas within the dog field throughout my high school career. From therapy dogs to service dogs to agility and conformation, kennel staff and dog groomer, you could say I've touched upon all bases. Within the past year, I have really started feeling comfortable and confident with where my dog life has taken me. I really owe a huge part of that to the Unique family; without their support, love, guidance, friendship, advice and mentorship, there is no way I would be as far as I am today. The feeling that overwhelmes me after a weekend out showing or trialing is just unexplainable. With or without ribbons in my hand, ending that day symbolizes one step closer to my career path. Some roads have been rocky, but outweighed by accomplishments thus far. 
This year I am expecting bigger and better things. As the official day approaches that will remove me of the label "junior handler", I am mentally prepared to take things to the next level. I am most looking forward to more dedication to dog shows and agility on a more frequent basis, and working in our dog grooming shop on a full time basis. Best of all, I am beyond ready to show the world what Lacey and I can succeed in both the conformation and agility ring.
November 2012 Philadelphia National Dog Show- Oaks, PA
AKC 2012 Junior Agility Invitationals- Orlando, FL
photo credit- GreatDanePhotos