Monday, November 5, 2012

official first pointed day!

On Sunday, September 23rd, 2012 was the Valley Forge Kennel Club show in Kimberton, PA. Being a local show (and by local I mean less than ten minutes from home), I was just pleased to show nearby and for friends and family in the crowd. I was not expecting the results my day ended with!
Our first point! Winners bitch & Best of Opp Sex

Willow and I's first rally trial...Qualifying score with a 93/100 pts and a fourth place! 
good day with my girls

love this baby dog

senior time?

'Tis the season...for senior portraits! Sports, singing, acting...nope. Got mine done with the doggies :) Here are just a few
photo credit- Stephanie Adrian


That thing called "vacation"

So basically since I'm so behind on blog posts, these next few catch ups will mostly consist of photos and captions to cap off my life these past few months!
yearly family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC was amazing, and of course only captured through my dog pictures. oh well, I rely on taking them every year on the beach.