Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hopeful dreams...

We are all told we are allowed to have dreams, right? Well for me, my dreams turn into goals which turn into my driving point of my life. I'm sure you've guessed, basically I'm associating this with dog stuff...
     So dream #1: run Lacey in December at AKC Junior Agility Invitationals in Orlando, Florida. This isn't an impossible dream to achieve, just a matter of getting Lacey trialing as soon as we are prepared so that she is seasoned enough to run the courses there. I would absolutely love doing this and basically already got the okay from my parents to do this big show, I kinda gave up CPE Nationals in hopes to going to invitationals instead...
     Dream #2: I might be nuts..I want Lacey and I to be on the first USA OJAC team to compete in England (or wherever outside this country that it is chosen to take place) in February 2013. I know, I'm crazy to hope to be on this team with a dog I'm not trialing with yet, but I'm only a junior handler for so many more months and need to cease the opportunities while I can! If you don't have dreams, you can't achieve the impossible. If I hope and set goals to try to get on this team, we can train harder, trial more and maybe get better chances of representing USA at the open junior agility championships next year. Please assure me I'm not unrealistic and nuts?!
"The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Old news to news to blog! Archie, my second Seeing Eye puppy to raise arrived on March 16, 2012. A beautiful little Lab/Golden second generation cross entered my life at just 7 weeks old. Here's some photos of our time together thus far!

First outing, our high school's musical

7 weeks old

14 weeks old

Pretty little girl! Photo credit- Stephanie Adrian

Lovee this little pup

Poodle National Specialty!

April 22 thru 27 in Salisbury, MD, I attended and participated in my first PCA, Poodle Club of America National Specialty. This show was extra special after lots of hard work getting my school to approve my weeks absence, and celebrating my 17th birthday there! My mom stayed with my and the Poodles on show site with our camper. One of my favorite things gained from this experience was growing closer with the Unique Standard Poodle's crew....I love you guys, you are like family!
April 23-Agility day & birthdayy!
Prepping for our startline!

Out by the warmup jump

Best achievement in our agility career to date! 
   Running Willow at Poodle nationals was such an amazing feeling; emotionally and literally....PCA is the only club to put on a show indoors on about sweet footing! We Q'ed in T2B, got our OJP title with 1st place and also earned the first ever PCA high in trial junior award....what an absolutely amazing birthday ever. To be in the books forever to earn this title and just running among the top USA Poodle's was just awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better trial with miss Willow, one of which may be the last for her. What better way to end a Poodle's agility career?

Wednesday- Junior Showmanship
Thursday- Amateur Owner/Handler

We won our class in Juniors. The rings were just so beautiful and soo big! I've never been in such a roomy ring! Not too shabby for my first PCA and exhibiting two Poodles :) It took a while for me to process showing with the top Poodle handlers of all time. That was amazing, showing in the same ring as people from across the country and even international Poodles and people. I can't wait to go back, celebrate my next birthday there, and have even more great memories with the Unique crew!
The facility

After juniors

My baby dog all grown up! 14 months old

She lives a tough life...


Okay, my apoligies, I've been pretty neglectful of this whole blog thing. My computer has been acting up whenever I want to publish one so I'm happy it's back on track! Since it's been wayyy too long since I've done a post, I'll try to just smush it all into one for you guys. I like I will use those to sum up all the dog shows in my life from January and April.

Allentown, PA- Match- January 28 group 1st

Harrisburg, PA April 14 class win, JR showmanship

Love this baby dog and our journey together of showing and soon to be trialing!